Title: Warriors Don't Cry
Author: Melba Pattillo Beals
Pages: 204-312
Chapters: 19-28
SUMMARY: Many things have happened so far. Melba and her friends go back to Central High for the winter. Melba turns sixteen and throws a sweet sixteen party so she can have her friends back but her friends alienate her by going to a huge Christmas party of the year. Only Vince attends her birthday. Melba doesn't invite her Little Rock 9 friends because her friends might be afraid of the mobs approaching them too. Melba is being bullied in school and there are no witness or adults. Things get worse when Minnijean accidentally drops hot chili soup all over two boys and a sudden silence strikes in the cafeteria. Later she gets suspended but is brought back through the help of NAACP. Segregationists gather up and create ideas to expel the Little Rock 9, which is why all the white kids in Central try to rage the Little Rock 9 for their reward, which is money. Christmas time arrives and the family has dinner with relatives but the superintended finally expels Minnijean who is sent off to Lincoln High in New York, a private school. Melba looses her best friend but she tries not to be jealous of her not having to deal with intolerable pain all day. The Little Rock 9 becomes Little Rock 8. The National Organization of Delta Sigma Theta honor the Little Rock 9 girls for what they have stood up for. Finally, Melba realizes that there are many of her people who support her. They receive gifts and notes from various people all over the nation. The harassing continues and one night a white boy named Link saves her from Andy and his group. Link calls her and informs her of the Segregationist team and how they come up with plans to attack Melba. Melba is admonished by Link early hand so she can evade their attacks although she has doubts about Link. Melba learns patience and smiling back through her grandmothers teaching of Mahatma Gandhi. She begins to smile and thank even though they deliver pain to her. The news reporters approach Melba and publish her story and win Pulitzer prizes. Many bomb threats occur at Central, some hoax and some real. At graduation, guards come to see if there are any bombs. As the story comes to end, Integration is successful and Melba meets a soldier named John and marries him. Link receives many awards but is angry because he couldn't date Melba due to his skin color. Melba also integrates the dorms and attends Columbia University and achieves her dream of becoming a reporter. She is truly a hero!
QUOTATION: "Please, God, let me learn how to stop being a warrior. Sometimes I just need to be a girl" (Beals 217).
REACTION: Ms. Beals goes through a horrid time in her life. This quote is a strong resemblance to the book's title. For a long period of time she has been a warrior who their suffered intolerable pain (physical and mental). I cannot imagine how someone would feel when friends alienate them and break the bonds of friendship especially on their birthday. The situation has reached a point where Ms. Beals loses her sense of being a normal girl. It was snatched away from her. She knew what she was doing was right for the future and she sacrificed so much for it that she lost her friends that she grew up with, went to school with and basically spent most of her childhood with. She doesn't want to be a warrior anymore but what else can she do? She cannot turn the clock back. This is a strong quote and it is very emotional to watch someone loose his or her friends and normality. On top of that, Ms. Beals had to face the unbearable pain everyday until integration. This is an amazing memoir and an ultimate kudos to Ms. Beals and Little Rock 9 for integrating the schools. The book also relates to what my ELA 10 class will be reading. Books such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is used to put an emphasis on "Jim" who symbolizes Melba and black people in Arkansas. Without the Little Rock 9 the course of history would have taken a dark path. I recommend this book to everyone especially students of color because due to the help of Little Rock 9 we can receive education in a peaceful, non-riotous environment and we can "Kum Ba Yah" (Come together and join hands) as Mr. Doreian says.